Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hating Jason - Loving David<3

Ugh, Carly should NOT have been voted off American Idol last week - it should have been Jason. He is wayyyy worse of a singer than Carly. His voice annoys me sooooo much and he's only still on because of his "good looks". Pfft, I know cow's butts that look better than his face. I still looove David - he is soooo cute! And he's a great singer too. I also like David and Brooke. Here are my opinions of tonights performances:
Jason: No. Just no. His voice sounded very flat and unappealing. His song choices just seem kind of boring to me.
David C: He was definetly in his element tonight - he's the rocker kinda guy and it really showed through on his first performance.
Brooke: Shweet first performance - I loved the guitar and the song.
David A: Ohmygosh! I love this guy! He's an amazing singer, and he had great song choice. Love, love, love David!
Syesha: I never really liked her, but she does have a pretty good voice. She also had a pretty good song choice for the first performance.

Simon did not like their first performances - someone got up on the wrong side of the bed!

Mixed Emotions

Well, mixed news from the doctor. Took x-rays, and looked at them... bone is healing, and they gave me a 50/50 chance that I won't have surgery. And I can swim again, which is good, since summer swimming starts up again in like 2 days. Bad news: no track, running/jumping, or horseback riding for 6 more weeks. I also have to keep my cast on. *sigh* I just want this to be over with. Everyone's telling me to be positive, but it's really hard. REALLY, REALLY hard....

But there is some SUPER good news too! We are going to visit Mushu (see previous post) on Saturday, and maybe adopting her. So my emotions are really mixed up right now - I'm a complete mess...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Two Reasons I'm Excited

One: We might get the ah-dorable puppy named Mushu. She's a lab/german shepherd mix, black, and SUPER cute. It's been almost a year since we put down my old dog Bosco, and we've been looking for a dog since early March. Finally we've found one that fits the bill! She's at an animal rescue called EARTH in Bellvue, Michigan. My mom emailed them about adopting her, but we haven't heard back yet. Here's her picture!!!:

Two: because I go see the doctor tomorrow to hopefully get the all clear on my arm (then I can actually start doing track!) I already have a tan line from the stupid brace... but I might have to wear it all summer! :( It's because of the stupid sist: they have to see if it will heal on it's own or if they have to do surgery. And that would stink, because then I would miss cross-country!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Heyyyy! I'm Hannah, and this is my blog, where I talk about how I see the world. If you disagree with me, oh well. Here are a few things I could not live without: God, my family, my friends, horses, swimming, and chocolate. Here are a few things that could leave the world and I would be SUPER happy: war, child abuse, hunger, hate, barbies, dora, and my hair (just kidding!). Most people describe me as smart (but I'm a bit of a ditz though, okay, I'm a HUGE ditz), a spaz, and immature. I am sort-of, but I'm getting better. Well, talk to you later! :)